東門市場 is just located at Dongmen station 東門捷運站, exit 2.
Turn into a small lane and just start exploring the market.
Operation timing should be around 7 to 8 am to around 4 pm in the afternoon.
A place to have breakfast or lunch.
I am not very sure how to give direction. Just explore the market, it is somewhere to the segment which sells clothes or behind somewhere 東門鴨莊.
The food is quite cheap, going for arounht nt20 for a plain bowl of noodles, there around nt30 to nt50 for the side dishes. The noodles looks bland but actually it taste quite good and goes very weel with the side dishes. If you think noodles is too plain for you, there is a stall selling 滷肉飯. Quite memorable food for me. Will definitely go back if I am back at Taipei.

2. 東門江記豆花 ( Dongmen Jiang ji soya bean)
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2. 東門江記豆花 ( Dongmen Jiang ji soya bean)
They add peanuts to the soya bean unlike singapore version. We actually packed it back to our hotel to enjoy. It is good.
Read about it online. Ordered a pack back to eat. Nicely cooked rice with meat. If the the noodles is not meaty enough for you, there is a place to catch on your proteins and fats, with a servings of vegetables.
4. Others.
There are a lot of stalls selling yummy cooked food that can be brought back to the hotel to enjoy or have it just there.

What we bought back to our hotel to enjoy.
There are lots of stalls selling fresh vegetables, seafoods, fruits and vegetables.
If you need to stock up some fresh fruits, this is a place to get some.
It is an interesting and clean market to explore, experience some of the local culture.
It is not very big, around an hour will do, not including the time spend taking photos and eating.